Friday, July 18, 2008

Useful scripts for DBA

Database size script:

col "Database Size" format a20
col "Free space" format a20
col "Used space" format a20
select round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) ' GB' "Database Size"
, round(sum(used.bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 ) -
round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) ' GB' "Used space"
, round(free.p / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) ' GB' "Free space"
from (select bytes
from v$datafile
union all
select bytes
from v$tempfile
union all
select bytes
from v$log) used
, (select sum(bytes) as p
from dba_free_space) free
group by free.p

Show the ten largest objects in the database

col owner format a15
col segment_name format a30
col segment_type format a15
col mb format 999,999,999
select owner
, segment_name
, segment_type
, mb
from (
select owner
, segment_name
, segment_type
, bytes / 1024 / 1024 "MB"
from dba_segments
order by bytes desc
where rownum <>11

Display any long operations

set lines 100 pages 999
col username format a15
col message format a40
col remaining format 9999
select username
, to_char(start_time, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yy') started
, time_remaining remaining
, message
from v$session_longops
where time_remaining = 0
order by time_remaining desc

Show locked objects

set lines 100 pages 999
col username format a20
col sess_id format a10
col object format a25
col mode_held format a10
select oracle_username ' (' s.osuser ')' username
, s.sid ',' s.serial# sess_id
, owner '.' object_name object
, object_type
, decode( l.block
, 0, 'Not Blocking'
, 1, 'Blocking'
, 2, 'Global') status
, decode(v.locked_mode
, 0, 'None'
, 1, 'Null'
, 2, 'Row-S (SS)'
, 3, 'Row-X (SX)'
, 4, 'Share'
, 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)'
, 6, 'Exclusive', TO_CHAR(lmode)) mode_held
from v$locked_object v
, dba_objects d
, v$lock l
, v$session s
where v.object_id = d.object_id
and v.object_id = l.id1
and v.session_id = s.sid
order by oracle_username
, session_id

Show which row is locked

select do.object_name
, row_wait_obj#
, row_wait_file#
, row_wait_block#
, row_wait_row#
, dbms_rowid.rowid_create (1, ROW_WAIT_OBJ#, ROW_WAIT_FILE#,
from v$session s
, dba_objects do
where sid=&sid

Tablespaces >80% full

set pages 999 lines 100
col tablespace_name format a40
col "size MB" format 999999999
col "% Used" format 999
col "80%" format 999999
col "75%" format 999999
select tsu.tablespace_name
, ceil(tsu.used_mb) "size MB"
, 100 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100) "% Used"
, (tsu.used_mb / 100) * (20 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100)) "80%"
, (tsu.used_mb / 100) * (25 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100)) "75%"
from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mb
from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) tsu
, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free_mb
from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) tsf
where tsu.tablespace_name = tsf.tablespace_name (+)
and 100 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100) >= 80
order by 3,4,5

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